Monday, May 4, 2009

I have to do what on my birthday?!?

We had a good old fashioned go to church for a baptism, play a soccer game, then have ten of your friends over for a baseball party birthday day yesterday. Exhausting, yes. But fun. And I was very proud of my Jewish son who does not really practice any religion (we are a bit anti religion at this point), for sitting through (and secretly enjoying) his little cousin's church...on his birthday.

I knew he wouldn't like the idea of sitting quietly in a confusing ceremony all morning, but after a bunch of complaining, he did it and he did it in nice clothes and with a smile on his face. He loves his cousins, and also, I think he was dreaming of the rest of his day, which consisted of sports and cake. It was good for him to "share" his birthday and be willing to celebrate someone else for part of the day. Kids these days are so self-centered. I'm hoping mine aren't as selfish as they sometimes have a tendency to act, and yesterday was definitely hopeful!


kristi said...

He is definitely a trooper!
I wouldn't begin to know how to explain to my son that he had to go to church on his birthday. There would be some serious bribes involved.

AM! said...

i'm tired just reading your day:) adda boy W!