Monday, March 2, 2009


I have an incurable desire to call these dingalings "bobbleheads" as my son and I are staging them for offense and defense atop our fuzzballing Ikea rug, but I know that is the incorrect term. Not sure what the correct term for 50cent mini plastic football helmets from a vending machine is so I'm going with "emptyheads". We've been picking teams and facing off quite a lot in the last few days here at the home front (rain, yes), and I have to say that while there are no heads in the emptyheads (which is why I am able to pick T.O. as my representative from the Cowboys - he's without a mouth here you see)...

...oddly, I'm finding that they inspire a downright quaint explosion of brainwave activity in my son. He's charting the teams, planning out the formations, announcing the players, whispering to them in the huddle, and manually playing out what he's staged. So far he's logged two video booth reviews of my touchdowns (using boardgame box as video review terminal), called off sides on my immobile helmet heads, and determined the best way to kick off with a small orange eraser football which I am constantly tricked into thinking is an old baby carrot left on the floor.

Ask me? MUCH better than video games. My son and I are getting super into it. I do admit to loosing a bit of control for a moment when I blurted out "Get your ass in gear Romo!" There are downsides.

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