Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Driving to Fremont with Edith (I love my job)

I have a fairly new friend (new enough that we are still telling our personal histories to one another whenever we get the chance). Her name is Edith. No, of course that isn't really her name. But the name Edith is grossly underused these days, and her real name is so common...why the Hell not? Edith-not-really-Edith is also one of my business partners. This morning we took a drive over to Fremont (where I once lived in a shared condo with a divorced real estate sleazeball and which I always want to pronounce as FreeMONT! while giving some sort of hip hop gangsta sign for some reason) to visit our fulfillment and distribution center. Sounds boring, yes?

No. Not when you only get out from under the kids for 9 out of 168 hours per week. And not when you're with Edith.

This morning, when I entered her crumb-encrusted station wagon (ahhh, just like home) and was whisked away from my two boys, we were both low from weeks of disappointment over product delays. The delay situation, added to the normal mommy disappointments that sound something like: "Shit, the kids are sick again. And what's that flaming rash near W's mouth? Smells like another week of play date quarantine", is frustrating. Hearing that every big name retailer wants your product but having to continually say "Uh. We need another week to get those samples to you," gets old especially when your bank account is hemorrhaging.

Still, we admitted our business optimism erosion and then moved past it to sip our Starbucks (kidless coffee sipping = instant mini-vacation) and fit the following topics into two twenty minute drives:

*Leprosy colonies
*Dating suicidal heroin addicts
*Completing the set-up of our company's shopping cart
*Pissing blood
*A nasty case of Shingles
*The insane cost of real estate in our area (this is a requisite topic for any discussion that lasts more than 10 minutes between any thirty somethings in the Bay Area)
*Orphanages and the shameful state of methadone addiction in Hawaii
*How to shirk duties at your local preschool
*Past boyfriends and odd diseases they may have had
*Postpartum depression and how it can lead to being 95% sure your husband is sleeping with someone, maybe even his sister
*How our resellers should be asked to login to our site
*Losing a bed off the back of your car on Highway 101 and how to haggle over the price of a new bed

I love my job. What could be more refreshing that a full week's work and conversation topics crammed into a two hour meeting and 40 minutes of driving over the Dumbarton Bridge followed by a warm welcome home by my two cuddle-studs and a subsequent six hours of indoor basketball? Okay, while rewarding and heartwarming to some degree, the six hours of basketball is not refreshing. Which is exactly why I need Edith, and my job. Thanks Edith.

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