Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blopinions: Opinions on Crack

I'm adding a word to the blogospheric community, or at least to my own vocabulary: blopinion.

On the rather obvious surface level, this is an opinion expressed in a blog. Yes, you could simply call this an opinion expressed in a blog, but IMHB (In My Humble Blopinion), it's a little different.

I've noticed something in my short blogging life that has made the creation of this word necessary for me. People feel more comfortable spouting off an opinion or personal information (lots of times TOO much personal information) online than they do in real face-to-face life. If you ask someone their opinion on something in person, often it will be very different (or at least more mild and less littered with exclaimation points) than the "blopinion" they would express online in a blog. So, a blopinion is basically an opinion on crack, recorded for all to see in a blog.

I mean really, do you think I just walk up to random people and tell them I want to sleep with Leonardo DiCaprio, or do you suppose I just write about it? See, there's a SCREEN between myself and my audience (however small), and it protects me and all bloggers from having to be too responsible (at least immediately) for what we say.

Of course on the flip side, we can't ever erase what we've put out there, and that kind of blows.

1 comment:

suite said...

Love the word, my thoughts exactly!