Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Weekend Getaway Gets Feverish

The idea was a good one, and it worked out alright for the most part. I went over to the East Bay and stayed in a hotel by myself one night while my mom and step-dad watched the kids. For 24 hours I enjoyed a sweet hotel/fitness spa by myself in Walnut Creek. Why by myself? Because my hubby is in Vegas launching his company. Was it bliss to be sleeping in, swimming, eating sushi and shopping by myself? Yes.

But on Sunday, just before the kids were to join me and spend the second night at the hotel enjoying the pools (forecast: 90 degrees) and movies and room service in bed, I got a call from my mom. "B has a fever," she said. "What should we do?"

Well, luckily I was down the street so I went over, gave him Ibuprofen and Tylenol (turned out to be a 104 degree fever), and waited for it to kick in and B to act like normal. Once he did I was able to run W over to the resort and spend a few hours with him in the pools. I'd have liked to take them both home right then (we all know what a feverish night is like with a two-year-old), but the room was already paid for and I couldn't get my money back. So, the three of us stayed in that paid-for room, huddled together nursing B's fever. It wasn't a great night but it wasn't terrible, and W still got to have his movie in bed at night, and pancakes in bed in the morning (this hotel stay was a birthday gift from Gran'mama).

We got on the road at 8AM and drove the hour straight to the doctor's office, where we were given antibiotics and some major fever reducing meds (104 again). Last night was more like a nightmare with both kids waking for hours during the night, and this morning was a fun trip to Target. I took B after dropping W at school, to Target to get diapers and milk. Thus far in the morning he had been fever-free but in the diaper aisle his fever went back up to 103 (or higher - I took it 30 minutes later) and he pissed all over the cart (the Little Swimmer diaper I had him in because we were out of regular diapers didn't hold much). I trashed his shorts in the bathroom and ripped open the new diaper pack immediately, as well as administered an anal fever reducer suppository (at least I thought to bring one in case his fever spiked), all on that disgusting Target changing table. I then hurried home to take a shower in hand sanitizer.

He's sleeping now. Happy Tuesday to me!

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