Thursday, February 8, 2007

Disneyland and More Vomit

Well here we are! At Disneyland! Or more accurately, here I am at a hotel across the street from Disneyland with my napping little guy who has taken a flu bug beating and kept on ticking for Mickeylove. He finally crapped out and forced me to retreat from the park at 1:30 pm after being awake since, well, basically yesterday. Today he's endured plain toast, anal acetominephan suppositories, and plain water (which didn't stay down long) in lieu of the powdered sugar donuts, pizza and rice krispy treats (complete with chocolate mouse ears) that his brother enjoyed. I shouldn't forget to add long lines, a fever and nausea to the list of B's daily fun. All this and he has been happy enough being pushed along in his little red stroller. My hero.

His dad? Not so much my hero this morning. When B threw up after his cup of water and I could tell his temperature was north of normal I suggested we should spare my step-brother, his wife, and their little guy and refrain from spending the night at their house tonight.

My Question: Why not stay here, at this phenomenally cheap ($80 with unlimited coffee and breakfast eaten in the 5th floor "breakfast room" with a view of Disneyland for G-d's sake), clean (well, avoid bed #2 in Room 421. Vomit stain.), and new hotel? That way we can:

A. Spare our extended family from puking for days after we leave them
B. Come and go from the park (this hotel is literally across the street from Disneyland. Really.) and, as I'm doing now, give B a well deserved nap in the middle of the day.
C. Stay for the night parade and just hop skip and jump right into bed afterwards.
D. Rethink whether we'd like to infect our family members with flu virus tomorrow morning.

Husband Answer: "It costs $80, and who knows, maybe they want us to come anyway."

Right. I'm always happy when I'm expecting house or playdate guests and they call and say "Hey wanted you to know Johnnie just threw up and has a fever. He can't keep anything down's still cool to meet up right? We'll be right over." I mean a runny nose, maybe a week old cough is one thing, but fever absolutely positively equals NO BUENO on getting together. Am I wrong here?

Anyway, my husband of superior intelligence ultimately yielded to my better judgement and avoided a spanking, so here I am sitting in the hotel bed next to my little guy, looking at the hip thermal tee I bought my hubbie at the park this morning. It's got a big silhouette of Grumpy (the dwarf) on it. I think I'll give it to him for Valentine's Day.

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